3890 PLN (netto)

Wheelchair Drive – kit PW08M (Kod: 2401)

Complete Wheelchair Drive.

Complete Wheelchair Drive kit includes:

  • left and right 8″ 150W in-wheel motor,
  • controller supplied by 24V,
  • joystick,
  • programmer.

Price of Complete Wheelchair Drive without battery: 4895,40zł gross.

Exemplary Battery 24V: LiFePo4/24V.

Motor are equipped with EMB – electromagnetic brake. Red lever engages clutch: when engaged – lever in backwards position, drive set in position to use it, when disengaged – lever in frontwards position, drive set in position to push the wheelchair. Compliancing with these recomendations lifetime of drive extends.


Joystick equipped with battery voltage display and settings of maximal speed of wheelchair, which can be chosen from 5 different levels by User. Horn function included.


Regenerative braking supported. Controller can be programmed using included programming module. Programmable options:

  1. acceleration of motors,
  2. deceleration of motors,
  3. speed of motors in arc of road,
  4. deceleration of motors in case of releasing turn order,
  5. minimal voltage,
  6. maximal reverse speed,
  7. maximal forward speed,
  8. reversing horn,
  9. EMB,
  10. sleep time.


Photos shows exemplary battery compatible with controller. List of other compatible batteries below:

Lp. Voltage [V] Capacity [Ah] Weight [kg] Dimensions [mm] Type of case Plug/length of cable [mm] Charg. type/Charg. Curr. [A] Offer
1. 24 10 3,2 dia. 90×400 aluminum 2A link
2. 24 20 4,6 310x145x70 laminate to put in case link



Below presented data are indicative, prices shown do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article. 66 § 1 Civil Code and other relevant legislation. REMARK: To below presented Net prices extra 23% of VAT tax will be added.